April got away from me, and then May has too. Blogging
has taken a back seat to other things, and I hope that soon my blogging focus
will be reignited. I am not sure of this exact cause of lagging blogging,
but work has certainly been a big part of it. I have working on one of
those cases that is running on a fast track, so it has been intense so by the
end of the day it takes a lot out of me.
I have also been in a bit of a
reading rut, I have been working on Richard Ford's Canada for about a month
now, and have refused to give up on it even though it hasn't really caught my
attention, I am taking it on the plane with me today on a quick trip to New Orleans,
and if I am not engrossed after the flight, I may just throw in the towel.
[Note: that was several weeks ago, I did end up abandoning the book but hope to
pick it up and try again] A book which did catch my attention however was
Nell Freudenberger's The Newleyweds.

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