by Laura Vincent

Laura Vincent has been a food blogger since 2007 and loves to develop all of her own recipes. She named her blog Hungry and Frozen after a quote from a Broadway musical, because being hungry and frozen in cold student flats was a constant for her at the time. Things have improved significantly since, but the title stuck - and what better name to call her very first cookbook? Laura makes great-tasting, yet easy and relaxed food that is sure to appeal.
Hungry& Frozen is the kind of cookbook that will make you want to rush into the kitchen and make something. Whether you're looking for a brunch idea, a weeknight meal (or late quick-fix), a feast for your friends, a weekend project or something to satisfy your sweet tooth, this cookbook will have just the recipe for you. Laura has just about every cooking scenario covered – Hungry & Frozen even includes subsections dedicated entirely to ice cream recipes and toasted sandwich ideas. Beautifully presented in hardback format, with gorgeous photographs and endpapers, this book meets all the reader’s hunger needs with flair and style.
From fast to fancy, these are recipes for comfort food to eat any time of the day or night - because it's never the wrong time for food that makes the world feel like a better place.
Laura Vincent is a food blogger (, cafe reviewer for Sunday Star-Times and sometime food writer for Laura grew up in a tiny rural village south of the Bombays, but now lives in Wellington. She began her blog in 2007 and named it Hungry and Frozen because it made sense since she was a cash-strapped, freezing student at the time. Hungry & Frozen is Laura's first cookbook.
Release Date: 23 August 2013| RRP: $40.00 | HB | Published By PEARSON NEW Zealand
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