Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Lauraine Jacobs food column for the Listener NZ

October 11, 2013 -  Elizabeth Clarkson

I had just purchased my professional camera and kit, I was ready to go. A call from the Listener came in on a Thursday and I was shooting the following Monday. It has now been 2 and half years since I began working with writer/chef, Lauraine Jacobs and stylist, Kate Arbuthnot.

We meet once a month to shoot 3 issues of the Listener and have formed a lovely, open and fun working environment.  I look forward to these sessions greatly. The column has helped me develop my food photography skills which has progressed steadily since our first shoot together. We have a simple approach using vintage and rustic propping with a food focussed, clean and minimal execution. 

Lauraine goes to great lengths to provide accessible and delicious recipes within topical content from all over New Zealand. I aim for natural and vibrant images which can be enjoyed by the readership of The Listener. Kate always brings dynamic colour combinations and unique pieces to the set.
Through our work together we had the pleasure of producing Lauriane’s latest book ‘Everlasting Feast’ which I have written about in detail in a previous post earlier in the year.

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