after I had arrived in Paris, I was having dinner with Romain at Bistrot Paul Bert.
Nearby, a couple was speaking English and when I struck up a
conversation with them, I asked how they knew about the restaurant. They
mentioned they saw it on a “Best of” list in a culinary/travel
magazine. So it wasn’t a secret back then, nor it is now. And with good
reason: It’s one of the most reliable, approachable, and consistently
great French bistros in Paris.

I was
dining there recently with Alec
Lobrano, Patricia
Wells and Nathan
Myhrvold of Modernist
Cuisine while Nathan was in France doing research on a
book about bread, which I suspect will be an incredible overview of
breads not just from France, but from around the world. I gave him some
addresses that I thought he might want to visit, although he’d obviously
done his research and had a good list of bread bakeries he was planning
to check out already. Then we had a little verbal
back-and-forth about ice cream which prompted an invitation
to visit his laboratory in Seattle, which I’m putting on my lengthy
list of places that I want to go to.
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