With blunt, expletive-drenched writing, the voice of 'Thug Kitchen' stands out in the world of healthy living and cooking websites. PW spoke to the creators of the site—who are currently anonymous, though not for much longer—about their profane take on food writing and their forthcoming cookbook. more
Food preservation—whether through fermenting, pickling, canning, or other methods—has seen a remarkable resurgence of late. What’s behind this increased attention, and where is the movement headed? more
Overhauling a popular cookbook like the nine-year-old 'America’s Test Kitchen Family Cookbook,' which has sold close to 900,000 copies, can be dicey. No publisher wants to alienate fans of the earlier iterations, but America’s Test Kitchen has completely revised its first ring-bound cookbook by adding more pages, photographs, and new recipes and even removing the rings. more
Is Squash the Most Underrated Superfood (Not) on Your Dinner Table?
Affordable, widely available, and packed with nutrition, squash has a lot going for it. Rob Firing, co-author of the forthcoming 'The Everyday Squash Cook' (Harper, Oct.), makes the case for why we should be paying more attention to this humble family of gourds. more
Samuel Fromartz, author of 'In Search of the Perfect Loaf' (Viking, Sept.), explains what makes a great baguette, why he’s hot on German bread, and why working in a boulangerie is a total workout. more
Recipe Report: ‘Plum and Sesame Glazed Lamb Denver Ribs’
"This elegant rib recipe showcases the potential for home cooks to bring meat to magnificence," says our test cook of this lamb ribs recipe from Pat LaFrieda's 'Meat: Everything You Need to Know.' more
In her breezy and engaging new paean to the French way of living and eating well, Mireille Guiliano discusses one of her favorite foods and the tiny Paris oyster bar in the Sixth Arrondissement that’s become her home away from home. more
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