Friday, April 4, 2014

Archipelago Books: 10 Years, 100 Titles, 26 Languages

Jill Schoolman, the publisher of Archipelago Books, looks back on the company's 10 year history, and how it has managed to foster literary translation in the US.

Corey Pressman of Exprima Media links the closure of Readmill to the evolution of post-print culture, or what Marshall McLuhan called "the second orality."
Tickets on Sale Now:
Hear speakers from publishing and technology discuss how to monetize the content you already have and set the stage for new revenue opportunities going forward.
More from PP:
Before the London Book Fair kicks off, a book-y gathering of authors, designers, editors, agents, marketing/PR folks, techies, thinkers and others will explore the future of publishing and reading.
From the Archives:
Brooklyn indie poetry publisher Ugly Duckling Presse has turned to e-books as a means of re-issuing out-of-print poetry chapbooks, which has doubled readership for the books.

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